U n d e r s t a n d t h e r i s k s .
F e e l t h e b e n e f i t s . ™
What should I know about
treating arthritis pain?
For many with arthritis pain, not treating
is not an option. A ll prescription NSAID
pain relievers, like Celebrex, ibuprofen
and naproxen, help treat arthritis pain
and have some of the same warnings. But
since individual results may vary, having
options is important.
Why should I consider Celebrex?
Prescription Celebrex has been the option
for millions of patients for 10 straight years.
Just one
-mg Celebrex can provide
-hour relief for many with
arthritis pain, stiffness and inflammation.
Based on the available data, the FDA
stated that for certain patients Celebrex’s
benefits outweigh the risks. But only you
and your doctor can make that decision.
What if I have a sensitive stomach?
If you are worried about stomach upset, you
should know, in clinical studies, a lower
percentage of patients taking Celebrex
reported stomach discomfort, which includes
indigestion, abdominal pain, and nausea,
versus prescription ibuprofen and naproxen.
However, all prescription NSAIDs, including
Celebrex, increase the chance of stomach
and intestine problems, such as bleeding
and ulcers which can occur without warning
and may cause death. With any of these
medicines, patients also taking aspirin and
the elderly are at increased risk for stomach
bleeding and ulcers.
And if I’m taking low-dose aspirin?
If you are taking low-dose aspirin for
your heart and need an NSAID pain
reliever, Celebrex can be used because
it doesn’t interfere with the effects of
low-dose aspirin. Ask your doctor if your
NSAID pain reliever can be taken with
low-dose aspirin.
But aren’t there cardiovascular risks
associated with NSAID use?
The FDA requires all prescription NSAIDs,
including Celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and
meloxicam, to have the same cardiovascular
warning. They all may increase the chance of
heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death.
This chance increases if you have heart disease
or risk factors for it such as high blood pressure
or when NSAIDs are taken for long periods.
Additionally, taking low-dose aspirin may not
reduce the cardiovascular risk associated with
NSAID use.
Any other precautions?
All prescription NSAIDs, including Celebrex,
should be used at the lowest dose possible,
for the shortest time, based on your individual
treatment goals. Do not take Celebrex if
you’re pregnant or if you’re allergic to aspirin
or sulfonamides. All prescription NSAIDs,
including Celebrex, increase the chance of
serious skin reactions. And tell your doctor if
you’ve had kidney or liver problems.
What should I do next?
Visit celebrex.com or call
Ask your doctor if you could benefit from
. /
Celebrex. But most importantly, your doctor
can tell you about the risks and benefits
of all prescription NSAID pain relievers,
including Celebrex.
Please turn page to see important
information about Celebrex and
other prescription NSAIDs.
You are encouraged to report negative side
effects o f prescription drugs to the FDA.
Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch
or call
Talk to your doctor to.
Uninsured? Need help paying for Pfizer medicines? Pfizer has programs that
can help. Call 1-866-706-2400 or visit www.PflzerHelpfulAnswers.com.
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